Show Results 2016

 Essex Cavy Society 20.2.16

Judge Ian Reynolds  

Tokyo Adult Teddy

1st out of 3 Bi/Ag Bi Ad

2nd out of 21 TEDDY CHALL AA

India 5/8 Teddy Sow

1st in class Ted Tri /Ad 5/8

3rd out of 26 NON SELF CHALL AV 5/8

Alice-SpringsTeddy 5/8 Sow

2nd out of 4 Teddy Bi/Ag Bi 5/8

Judge Julie Gallagher

Snowcloud Adult Swiss Sow

1st in class


2nd out of 4 G/S CHALL AA

Aroura 5/8 Swiss Sow

1st 5/8 Swiss

1st G/S CHALL 5/8

3rd out of 4 G/S CHALL AA

Dory u/5 Swiss Sow

1st swiss u/5

1st G/S CHALL u/5

1st out of 4 G/S CHALL AA

Kent Cavy Club 6.3.16

Judge Ray Woolsten

Tokyo Adult Teddy

2nd out of 4 Teddy Tri/Bi No Ag Ad

2nd out of 4 CHALL TEDDY AD

India 5/8 Teddy Sow

2nd out of 4 Teddy Tri/Bi no Ag 5/8

2nd out of 5 CHALL TEDDY 5/8

Alice SpringsTeddy 5/8 sow

3rd out of 4 Teddy Tri/Bi no Ag 5/8

3rd out of 5 CHALL TEDDY 5/8

Judge Don Payne

Aroura Adult Swiss sow

2nd out of 2 Swiss AD

2nd out of 2 CHALL G/S AD

2nd out of 5 G/S Grand Chall AA

Dory u/s Swiss Sow

1st in Class Swiss u/5

1st in Class CHALL G/S u/5

3rd out of 5 G/S Grand CHALL AA

Mid Sussex Cavy Club 13.3.16

Judge Bernard Wiles

Tokyo Adult Teddy Sow

2nd out of 4 Tri-Bi Teddy AD B/S

2nd out of 6 CHALL TED AD B/S

India 5/8 Teddy Sow

2nd out of 2 Tri-Bi Teddy 5/8 B/S

3rd out of 3 CHALL TEDDY 5/8 B/S

Judge Roger Couchman

Aroura Adult Swiss Sow

1st out of 4 Swiss AD B/S

1st out of 6 CHALL G/S Ad B/S

1st out of 13 G/S AA B/S

Dory u/5 Swiss sow

1st out of 3 Swiss U5 B/S

1st out of 4 CHALL G/S U5 B/S

3rd out of 13 G/S AA B/S

Nene Valley Cavy Club 17.4.16

Judge Julie Gallagher

Nene Valley side

Alice-Springs Adult Teddy Sow

2nd out of 7 Teddy Adult

Toyko Adult Teddy Sow

3rd out of 7 teddy Adult

India 5/8 Teddy Sow

1st out of 4 Teddy 5/8

2nd out of 10 Coated CHALL 5/8

2nd out of 21 Non Self CHALL 5/8

2nd out of 27 AV 5/8 CHALL

Nene Valley Side

Judge Norman Field

Aroura Adult Swiss Sow

2nd out of 6 Swiss Adult

2nd out of 13 RV CHALL AD

Anastastia u/5 Swiss Sow

3rd out of 4 Swiss u/5

Rare Varieties Cavy Club

Judge Sue Pearce

Aroura  Adult Swiss Sow

2nd out of 6 Swiss Adult

3rd out of 13 G/S CHALL AD

Dory 5/8 Swiss Sow

1st out of 6 Swiss 5/8

1st out of 14 G/S CHALL 5/8

2nd out of 16 Swiss AA

2nd out of 34 G/S CHALL AVAA AA

Anastasia u/5 Swiss Sow

1st out of 4 Swiss u/5

1st out of 7 G/S CHALL u/5

3rd out of 16 Swiss AA

3rd out of 34 G/S CHALL AVAA AA

Cream Ag u/5 Swiss Sow

3rd out of 4 Swiss u/5

North Herts 23.4.16

Judge Ian Reynolds

Tokyo Adult Teddy Sow

1st out of 5 Teddy Adult

2nd out of 19 Coated CHALL

2nd out of 27 Non/Self CHALL AV AD

2nd out of 54 N/Self CHALL AA

2nd out of 37 Sow AV AA

2nd out of 32 CHALL AV AD

2nd out of 70 GRAND CHALL AV AA

Teddy Adult Sow

2nd out of 5 Teddy AD

Alice-Springs Adult Teddy Sow

3rd out of 5 Teddy AD 

India 5/8 Teddy Sow

2nd out of 3 teddy 5/8

Aroura Adult Swiss sow

1st out of 2 Swiss AD

2nd out of 6 CHALL AV G/S

Snowcloud Adult Swiss Sow

2nd out of 2 Swiss Ad

Dory Swiss 5/8 Sow

1st out of 2 Swiss 5/8

1st out of 3 CHALL AV G/S 5/8

Anastasia Swiss Sow u/5

1st out of 3 Swiss u/5

1st out of 6 AV G/S CHALL u/5

1st out of 14 RV GRAND CHALL

Swiss Sow u/5

2nd out of 3 Swiss u/5

2nd out of 6 AV G/S CHALL u/5

3rd out of 14 RV GRAND CHALL 

Kent Cavy Club 15.5.16

Judge Emma Whitcombe

Toyko Adut Teddy Sow

1st out of 4 Teddy tri bi no ag AD

1st out of 6 CHALL Teddy AD

1st out of 12 CHALL TEDDY AA

2nd out of 41 CHALL COATED AA

2nd out of 47 CHALL NON-SELF AV AD

2nd out of  87 NON-SELF CHALL AV AA

3rd out of 112 GRAND CHALL AA 3rd BIS

Alice Springs Adult Teddy Sow

2nd out of 4 Teddy Tri/Bi No Ag Ad

2nd out of 6 CHALL TEDDY AD

2nd out of 12 CHALL TEDDY AA

India 5/8 Teddy Sow

1st out of 2 Teddy Tri Bi No Ag 5/8

1st out of 3 CHALL TEDDY 5/8

3rd out of 19 CHALL NON-SELF Av 5/8

Judge Roger Couchman

Snowcloud Adult Swiss Sow

1st out of 2 Swiss AD

1st out of 6 CHALL G/S AD

1st out of 13 G/S GRAND CHALL AA

Aroura Adult Swiss Sow

2nd out 2 Swis Ad

Dory 5/8 swiss Sow

1st out of 3 Swiss 5/8

2nd out of 6 CHALL G/S 5/8

Anastasia 5/8 Swiss Sow

2nd out of 3 Swiss 5/8

3rd out of 6 CHALL G/S 5/8

Peter Pan u5 Swiss Boar 

1st in his class

Lincolnshire Cavy Club 21.5.16

Judge J. Gallagher

Tokyo Adult Teddy Sow

1st out of 6 Teddy tri/bi AD

Alice Springs Adult Teddy Sow

2 out of 6 Teddy Tri/Bi AD

India 5/8 Teddy Sow

1st out of 5 Ted tri/bi 5/8

2nd out of 17 Coated 5/8

3rd out of 22 NON SELF CHALL 5/8

3rd out of 30 CHALL AV 5/8

Judge Ian Reynolds

Aroura  Adult Swiss Sow

2nd out of 3 Swiss AD

2nd out of 10 RV CHALL AV AD

Dory 5/8 Swiss Sow

3rd out of 6 Swiss 5/8

3rd out of 7 RV CHALL AV 5/8

Coral u/5 Swiss sow

1st out of 3 Swiss u5

1st out of 5 RV CHALL u5

3rd out of 22 RV CHALL AA

Peterborough Cavy club 4.6.16

Judge Helen McCormick

Toyko Adult Teddy Sow

1st out of 3 Teddy Bi/Ag Bi AD

1st out of 16 Coated Chall AD

2nd out of 23 NON SELF CHALL AV AD

3rd out of 51 NON SELF CHALL AV AA

5th BIS

Alice Springs Ad teddy Sow

2nd out of 3 Teddy Bi/Ag Bi AD

3rd out of 16 Coated Chall AD

India 5/8 Teddy Sow

1st in class Teddy Tri /Ag Tri 5/8

2nd out of 15 Coated Chall 5/8

3rd out of 19 NON SELF CHALL AV 5/8

Iris Sheltie u5 sow

1st in class Sheltie u5

1st out of 2 LONG HAIRED CHALL u5
2nd out of 9 NON SELF CHALL AV u5

3rd out of 18 CHALL AV u5

Judge Jim McCormick

Snowcloud Adult Swiss Sow

1st in class Ad Swiss

1st out of 6 CHALL G/S AD

1st out of 16 CHALL G/S AA

Anastasia 5/8 Swiss Sow

1st out of 2 Swiss 5/8

1st out of 6 CHALL G/S 5/8

2nd out of 16 CHALL G/S AA

Coral Swiss Sow u5

1st out of 3 Swiss u5

1st out of 4 CHALL G/S u5

3rd out of 16 CHALL G/S AA

Broadlands Small Livestock Society

Judge Penny Bell

Tokyo Adult Teddy Sow

1st out of 3 Adult Teddy

1st out of 5 Ted CHALL AA

1st out of 8 N/S CHALL AD

1st out of 14 N/S CHALL AV AA

1st out of 17 Best Sow

1st out of 22 BIS

Alice Springs Adult Teddy Sow

2nd out of 3 Adult Teddy

2nd out of 5 TEDD CHALL AA

2nd out of 8 N/S CHALL AD

2nd out of 14 N/S CHALL AV AA

3rd out of 17 Best Sow

3rd out of 22 BEST IN SHOW!

Gold Coast Adult Teddy Sow

3rd out of 3 Ad Teddy

Chelsea5/8  Teddy Sow 

1st in class 

1st out of 4 N/S CHALL 5/8

Valentine u/5 Teddy Sow

1st in class

1st out of 2 N/S CHALL U/5

3rd out of 5 Teddy CHALL  AA

Iris u/5 Sheltie Sow

1st in Class

2nd out of 2 N/S CHALL U/5

Snowcloud Adult Swiss Sow

1st out of 2 Swiss AD

1st out of 7 SWISS CHALL

1st out of 9 G/S CHALL

Ariel Swiss 5/8 Sow

1st out of 4 SWISS 5/8

2nd out of 7 SWISS CHALL

2nd out of 9 G/S CHALL

Coral Swiss u5 Sow

1st in class

North Herts Cavy Association 2.7.16

Judge on North Herts Side

Roger Couchman

Tokyo Adult Teddy Sow 

1st out of 4 Teddy Ad

2nd out of 14 coated CHALL AD

2nd out of 16 NON SELF CHALL AV AD

3rd out of 45 NON SELF CHALL AV AA

3rd out of 26 CHALL AV AD

Alice Springs Adult Teddy Sow 

2nd out of 4 Teddy AD

Chelsea 5/8 Teddy Sow

2nd out of 5 teddy 5/8

Valentine u/5 Teddy sow

1st out of 3 Teddy u5

3rd out of 8 COATED CHALL u5

3rd out of 8 NON SELF CHALL AV U5

Snowcloud Adult Swiss Sow

1st in her class


1st out of 4 R/V GRAND CHALL AA

5/8 Swiss Sow

1st out of 2 Swiss 5/8

1st out of 2 CHALL AV G/S 5/8

2nd out of 4 R/V GRAND CHALL AA

Peter Pan u/5 Swiss Boar

1st in Class

1st AV G/S CHALL u5

3rd out of 4 R/V GRAND CHALL AA

Entertaining Southern Cavy Club Intermediate Show!

Judge Andrew Sparkes

Tokyo Ad Teddy Sow

1st out of 3 Teddy AD

Alice Springs Ad Teddy Sow

2nd out of 3 Teddy Ad

Chelsea 5/8 Teddy Sow

1st in Class

Valentine Teddy Sow u5

1st out of 2 teddy u5

Judge Caroline Smith 

Snowcloud Swiss Ad

1st in class

1st out of 2 G/S Supporting CHALL AV AD or u5

Wilma5/8 Swiss Sow

1st out of 2 Swiss 5/8

1st out of 2 G/S CHALL AV 5/8

Peter Pan Swiss Boar

1st in class

2nd out of 2 G/S Supporting CHALL AV AD or u5


Tendering Hundred Show 9.7.16

Judge Peter Nunn

Tokyo Ad Teddy Sow

1st out of 2 Adult Teddy Sow

1st out of 13 Ad Coated Chall

1st out of 31 NON SELF CHAL AA

1st out of 21 AD CHALL AV

1st out of 56 BEST IN SHOW !

Alice Springs Ad Teddy Sow

2nd out of 2 Teddy Ad Sow

Valentine u5 Teddys Sow

1st in Class

4th u5 Coated CHALL 

Snowcloud Ad Swiss Sow

1st out of 2 Swiss AD

1st out of 5 RV AD CHALL

Wilma 5/8 Swiss Sow

1st out of 2  5/8 Swiss

1st out of 9 RV CHALL AA

Bettyu/5 Swiss Sow

1st out of 2 u5 Swiss

2nd out of 9 RV CHALL AA


Canterbury and Coast Cavy Club

Judge Emma Whitcombe

Tokyo Adult Teddy Sow

1st out of 4 Teddy tri bi no Ag Ad

1st out of 9 Teddy CHALL AA

2nd out of 17 COATED CHALL AA

2nd out of 18 NON SELF CHALL AV AD

2nd out of 39 NON SELF CHALL AV AA AA

3rd out of 32 GRAND CHALL AV AD

4th BIS

Alice Springs Adult Teddy Sow

2nd out of 4 Teddy Tri Bi no Ag AD

3rd out of 9 TEDDY CHALL AA

Valentine u5 Teddy Sow

1st out of 2 Teddy Tri Bi No ag u5

2nd out of 9 TEDDY CHALL AA

3rd out of 11 Non SELF CHALL AV u5

Judge Gerry Harvey

Snowcloud Swiss Adult Sow

1st out of 3 Swiss AD

1st out of 5 G/S CHALL AD

1st out of 8 G/S CHALL AA

Wilma Swiss 5/8 Sow

1st out of 3 swiss 5/8

1st out of 3 G/S CHALL 5/8

3rd out of 8 G/S CHALL AA

BettySwiss 5/8 Sow

3rd out of 3 swiss 5/8

Real London Championship Show 10.9.16

Real london side

Judge David Oulton

Alice-Springs Ad Teddy Sow

1st out of 9 Bi /ag bi AD B/S

RV on Real London Side

Judge Caroline Smith

Goldilocks AD Swiss Sow

1st out of 5 AD Swiss

1st out of 26 CHALL G/S AD

1st out of 64 CHALL G/S AA 

Best RV going home with the Trophy!

Anastasia 5/8 Swiss Sow

3rd out of 4 5/8 Swiss

Adella u/5 Swiss Sow

2nd out of 11 Swiss u5

3rd out of 25 CHALL G/S u5

Rare Varieties Cavy Club Show At Real London

Judge Ann Rolf

Goldilocks AD Swiss Sow

1st out of 5 Swiss AD

2nd out of 19 Swiss CHALL AA

3rd out of 25 G/S Ad CHALL AD

Anastasia 5/8 Swiss Sow

3rd out of 4 Swiss 5/8

 Adellau/5 Swiss Sow

1st out of 10 Swiss u/5

1st out of 19 Swiss CHALL AA

1st out of 20 G/S u5 CHALL u5

3rd out of 58 G/S GRAND CHALL AA

Teddy Cavy Club At Real London

Tokyo Ad Teddy Sow

1st out of 6 Bi /Ag Bi Ad Teddy Sow

3rd out of 19 Bi/Ag Bi Teddy Sow AA

Kent Cavy Club 2.10.16

Judge Phil Jackson

Alice-Springs Ad Teddy Sow

1st out of 3 Teddy Tri Bi No Ag AD

1st out of 6 CHALL TEDDY AD

1st out of 14 CHALL COATED AD

1st out of 15 CHALL TEDDY AA

1st out of 32 CHALL COATED AA

1st out of 28 CHALL NON SELF AV AD

2nd out of 69 NON SELF CHALL AV AA

3rd out of 96 GRAND CHALL AA

Valentine Ad Teddy Sow

2nd out of 3 Tri Bi no Ag AD

3rd out of 6 CHALL TEDDY AD

Savannah Teddy Sow u5

1st in class Teddy Tri Bi no Ag u5

1st out of 2 CHALL TEDDY u5

2nd out of 15 CHALL TEDDY AA

2nd out of 32 CHALL COATED AA

2nd out of 17 CHALL NON SELF AV U5

Judge Ian Reynolds

Goldilocks Ad Swiss Sow

1st in class Swiss AD

2nd out of 3 CHALL G/S AD

2nd out of 7 G/S GRAND CHALL AA

Frou Frou 5/8 swiss sow

1st out of 2 swiss 5.8

1st out of 3 CHALL G/S 5/8

Falineu/5 Swiss Sow

1st in class swiss u5

1st in class CHALL G/S u5

3rd  out of 7 G/S GRAND CHALL AA

Peterborough Cavy Club 8.10.16

Judge B Millin

Alice Springs AD Teddy

1st out of 2 Teddy bi ag bi AD

3rd out of 10 COATED CHALL AD

Valentine 5/8 Teddy Sow

1st in class teddy bi ag bi 5/8

3rd out of 7 COATED 5/8 CHALL

LouisiannaTeddy u5 sow

1st out of 2 teddy bi ag bi u5

1st out of 9 COATED CHALL u5

1st out of 17 NON SELF CHALL AV U5

3rd out of 30 CHALL AV U5

SavannahTeddy u5 Sow 

1st in Class Teddy Roan AOC u5

Judge Sophie Barnard

 FalineSwiss Sow u5

1st out of 2 Swiss u5

1st out of 10 CHALL G/S u5

2nd out of 13 CHALL G/S AA

North Herts Cavy Association 22.10.16

Judge Graham Thorpe

Carolina  5/8 Teddy s0w

1st out of 2 teddy 5/8

2nd out of 8 Coated CHALL 

2nd out of 10 N/SELF CHALL AV 5/8

3rd out of 18 CHALL AV 5/8

Louisianna u/5 Teddy Sow

1st out of 8 Teddy u/5

2nd out of 14 COATED CHALL u/5

2nd out of 16 N/SELF CHALL u/5

3rd out of 35 N SELF CHALL AV AA

3rd out of 27  SOW AA

2nd out of 22 CHALL AV u/5

Savannah u/5 Teddy Sow

2nd out of 8 Teddy u/5

Alice Swiss Adult Sow

1st in class Swiss AD

1st out of 2 CHALL AV G/S AD

1st out of 4 RV GRAND CHALL AA

Frou Frou u/5 Swiss Sow

1st in class Swiss u/5

1st out of 2 AV G/S u/5

3rd out of 4 RV GRAND CHALL AA 

Welland Vally Cavy Club 12.11.16

Judge Ian Reynolds

Carolina 5/8 Teddy Sow

2nd out of 2 Teddy AOC 5/8

Savanna Teddy 5/8 sow

1st out of 2 Teddy AOC 5/8

1st out of 19 Coated CHALL 5/8

1st out of 25 N/SELF CHALL 5/8

2nd out of 72 NON SELF CHALL AA

1st out of 44 NON SELF SOW AA

1st out of 33 CHALL AV 5/8

3rd out of 96 GRAND CHALL AV AA ( 3rd BIS)

Louisiannau5 Teddy Sow

1st out of 2 Teddy TRi/BI u5

2nd out of 10 COATED CHALL u5

Alice Adult Swiss Sow

1st in class Swiss Adult

Frou Frou5/8 Swiss Sow

1st out of 2 Swiss 5/8

1st out of 17 GUIDE STANDARD AA

Peterborough Cavy Club Christmas Show 3.12.16

Judge Rodger Couchman

Louisianna 5/8 Teddy sow

1st in class teddy bi 5/8

2nd out of 12 coated Chall 5/8

2nd out of 14 NON SELF CHALL AV 5/8

3rd out of 23 CHALL AV 5/8

Savannah 5/8 Teddy Sow

1st out of 2 Teddy Roan/AOC 5/8

3rd out of 12 Coated CHALL 5/8

Carlolina 5/8 Teddy sow

2nd out of 2 Teddy Roan/AOC 5/8

Alice Adult Swiss Sow

1st in class Swiss Ad

1st out of 2 CHALL G/S AD

1st out of 8 CHALL G/S AA

Frou Frou 5/8 Swiss Sow

1st in class Swiss 5/8

1st out of 2 CHALL G/S 5/8

2nd out of 8 CHALL G/S AA